Archivi categoria: Cryptocurrency
History Of Economic Bubbles – Is Bitcoin The Next Big Crash To Add?
If Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto Sold 1 Million BTC What Would Happen
How Does Bitcoin Work – User Advantages & Security Risks?
India’s Zebpay Crypto Exchange Flash Crash: Bitcoin and Ethereum Price Fall
Zebpay, which is a big cryptocurrency exchange from India, has recently notified its users that it would not be able to let its users withdraw their tokens for INR if it did not have a supporting bank in a document titled “Prohibition on dealing in Virtual Currencies”.
After the notice was sent out, all the major cryptocurrencies, ranging from Bitcoin to Ethereum and Ripple were down by more than 10% in what is being called the India Flash Crash by some people.
20 Best Cryptocurrency Lending & Fiat Loan Blockchain Platforms To Use
Cryptocurrency lending platforms work by connecting borrowers to a network of lender registered on the platform. In this case, borrowers receive their cryptocurrencies back once the borrower pays the loan. Most of the platforms have loans that are backs by assets, including real estate. But other platforms let users take loans that are backed by Bitcoin or other virtual currencies.
CryptoCurrency – Digital Money Trading, Exchanges & Investing Guide?
What Are MasterNode Crypto Coins: How Do They Work?
In the world of cryptocurrency, most people simply assume that the best way – and perhaps the only way – to make money is by day trading on currency exchanges. However, that’s simply not true. In fact, there are dozens of ways to earn a few bits of the cryptocurrency of your choice; one of the most novel ways is to run a master node.
4 Massively Misunderstood Cryptocurrency Principles To Date
4 Key Misconceptions About Cryptocurrency
The rise of cryptocurrencies has been undeniable. With the rising trade value of bitcoins and ethereum it can be clearly seen that that the era of cryptocurrencies is upon us. In fact, financial institutions all over the world have claimed that Bitcoins are indeed a better investment than gold and other precious metals at this point in time. It is also interesting to note that in 2017, the United Nations sent financial aid to Syrian rescue camps via means of cryptocurrency (so as to minimize any internal losses).
Bitcoin’s Biggest Crashes Ranked – Volatility, Reasons & History?
Blockchain – Distributed Ledger Technology Application Benefits?
PRX, or Printerium, aims to apply blockchain technology to the 3D printing industry.
Verge is another digital currency that aims to completely anonymize the payment process.
Synereo resembles Steemit in that it provides content creators to receive remittance for their work with a decentralized peer-to-peer currency.
Bitcoin is a powerful cryptocurrency, but is limited in the amount of assets that can be issued on top of it. Counterparty aims to provide users with the ability to issue assets and smart contracts on top of cryptocurrency.
Domain names are an essential part of creating a website. As they are hosted by centralized platforms, they are susceptible to censorship. Namecoin is a blockchain-based domain solution that eliminates this issue.
Edgeless is yet another decentralized betting platform
Nexus is an incredibly ambitious project that aims to distribute blockchain solutions via cube satellites in orbit.
Quantum-Resistant Ledger
It’s possible that the future applications of quantum technology will create solutions that can threaten the security of cryptocurrencies. The Quantum Resistance Ledger aims to create a solution that is not susceptible to quantum attacks.
Creating decentralized autonomous organizations is a difficult process. Wings aims to provide users with a platform that streamlines the creation of DAOs and ICOs.
Melon is a decentralized fund management platform that provides consumers with the ability to easily invest in digital assets.
Asch is a Chinese blockchain solution that provides users with the ability to create sidechains and blockchain applications with a streamlined interface.
iExec RLC
iExec, like Storjcoin X, is intended to provide individuals in need of low-cost cloud storage with a decentralized solution.
Cryptocurrency is experiencing widespread adoption worldwide, but has yet to hit the social media ecosystem. Reddcoin intends to provide social media users with the ability to transmit currency on social media platforms.
Storjcoin X
Storjcoin X is an end-to-end decentralized private cloud that intends to deliver an alternative to expensive centralized solutions.
Round represents a concerted effort to decentralize inefficient eSports platforms.
Lykke intends to address the difficulty experienced by traders attempting to both hold currencies and trade them on one screen. Lykke delivers a multi-asset trading application and exchange.
Ark is designed to streamline and optimize the creation of new blockchains, responding to the consumer need for interconnected blockchains.
Peerplays is yet another decentralized betting platform that aims to eliminate the risk of manipulation that centralized platforms are susceptible to.
Peercoin is built around the concept that proof of work systems are unstable over the long term, and that proof of stake systems are built to last.
Ubiq attempts to redress a number of issues with the smart contract platforms that are currently available, such as Ethereum.
Emercoin maintains the idea that blockchain platforms should constantly be evolving, and deliver a continuous stream of new features through which transactions can occur for as many users as possible. The Emercoin platform incorporates many different functions, including innovative applications such as a decentralized torrent tracker.
MCAP provides cryptocurrency investors with the ability to invest in multiple altcoins at once in a streamlined fashion, as well as delivering cloud mining services.
Aragon intends to centralize company registration by registering on a decentralized ledger that incorporates a built in court system.
Pivx aims to solve the issues of anonymity in the blockchain, and aims to completely obfuscate financial data in all aspects.
BitcoinDark is a cryptocurrency that focuses on fulfilling the primary axioms of the blockchain. The BitcoinDark platform has recently rebranded to Komodo.
SysCoin is another platform that is designed to provide users with the ability to create more blockchain apps, delivering a decentralized marketplace.
Marketing and selling content in the creative industry can be difficult, especially in the online environment. The SingularDTV solution provides artists and individuals living in the creative industry with the ability to directly deliver their content in a P2P marketplace.
Machine learning hedge funds have made a significant amount of progress in the stock market. The Numeraire solution is a decentralized effort that is designed to provide better outcomes by leveraging anonymized data sets.
Tether is a relatively innovative cryptocurrency that is intended to function as a decentralized iteration of both USD and EUR in order to facilitate faster cryptocurrency trading.
In a similar manner to GameCredits, MobileGo aims to centralize mobile app platforms and reward developers.
The FirstBlood platform aims to optimize the static, centralized eSports world.
Veritaseum functions in essentially the same manner as Bitcoin, which makes it somewhat difficult to assess its value proposition. According to the Veritaseum website, the platform eliminates middlemen, gives currency holders full control at all times, and eliminates the need for trust between parties- all of which are provided by Bitcoin already. Assess carefully before investing.
Basic Attention Token
The advertising industry is plagued by fraud. Most players in the advertising industry generate no profit, apart from ad publishers themselves. The Basic Attention Token not only transforms the way the advertising industry works, but also provides users with the ability to profit from time spend watching ads.
DigixDAO addresses the trust issues presented by purchasing custodial gold. DigixDAO attempts to correct this issue by incorporating blockchain technology.
Mobile devices and chat platforms are used to operate millions upon millions of transactions. Byteball is intended to provide chat bots that facilitate smart contracts and payments on these platforms.
DigiByte functions as a transparent global ledger that is intended to address the growing issue of international cybersecurity, focusing on security-based blockchain applications.
Komodo aims to increased privacy and security levels in transactions on the blockchain, and also provides users with the ability to create more anonymous, privatized blockchain apps and smart contracts.